One of the questions we have been asked a lot recently is whether NPS is “GDPR-Proof”. Everyone is quite nervous about the GDPR regulation coming in May, as a misstep in managing the customers privacy could easily end up costing a company major amounts of fines.
Well, while I will not say that GDPR is a walk in the park, as it can cost substantial amounts for getting ready and implementing it, due to new processes to be implemented, data protection policies to be developed and staff to be trained in new roles and behaviours, I *AM* happy to say that GDPR does not stop us in any way from engaging in a meaningful way with our customers to ensure we are delivering the best possible experience. Running NPS surveys with existing customers is entirely possible under the rule of “Legitimate Interest”
We have pulled together a nice little infographic of the situation for you (pdf), with the relevant spots in the regulation to read for yourself.
To us, this is yet another reason why we are in love with NPS.
It’s fast, simple, gives high response rates and meaningful answers – and it can be explained to everyone in the company and made actionable in a very short time.
If you want to know more about how we can set up your programme for you, have a look here: Outsourced NPS
You can find the whole text of the law in an easily accessible way here.
If you want to learn more about NPS and Voice-of-Customer Programs in B2B – check the ultimate guide, which we have created, based on our 15 years experience and real life examples.