The secret is out. Most of them go nowhere and the rest go to just about the same place as you and me.
According to the NielsenWire Online, in the US the 65+ still make up less than 10% of the active Internet universe, although in the last five years their number has increased by more than 55%. Interestingly, the increase of women online has outpaced the growth of men by 6%.
Time spent on the Internet by increased 11% and now stands at over 58 hours per week in 2009.
The research director, at Nielsen’s online notes that: "The over 65 crowd represents about 13% of the total population and… they’re engaged in many of the same activities that dominate other age segments – e-mail, sharing photos, social networking, checking out the latest news and weather… (in addition) a good percentage of them are spending time with age-appropriate pursuits such as leisure travel, personal health care and financial concerns."
The next time somebody asks you the question you have the answer.
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