by: Nancy Baym
Henry Jenkins and his colleagues at the Convergence Culture Consortium (Xiaochang Li, Ana Domb Krauskopf & Joshua Green) have recently published in eight parts their whitepaper on Spreadable Media. The concept of spreadable is meant as a more insightful alternative to the problem-plagued (pun intended?) concept of “viral.” If you’re interested in the things this blog discusses and you haven’t read the series, you’re behind. So here are links to all 8 parts:
2. Sticky and Spreadable — Two Paradigms
3. The Gift Economy and Commodity Culture
4. Thinking Through The Gift Economy
7. Aesthetic and Structural Strategies
8. The Value of Spreadable Media
The same crew, with the rest of the C3 core team is presently at work on a book to be called Spreadable Media. I will be contributing one of several short sections. Another C3 affiliate who’s posted his contribution to the book already is Justin Mittell, who’s written this wonderful post contrasting spreadable media with what he calls drillable media.
Read and get smarter.
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