The Almost Forgotten Experience of Getting Lost in Physical Space

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by: Sebastian Campion

Conflux Festival #3

Most of us have experienced getting lost and with that in mind, it is usually something we try to avoid. Actually, getting lost is also getting harder because our obsession with mapping things and ourselves (Google Maps, GPS and other locative technologies and services) has radically reduced the risk.

But getting lost can also generate fun and interesting reactions and this is theme of two experiential projects by Calvin Johnson that takes place at the Conflux Festival.

In Urban Disorientation Game, Calvin will simply invite participants to be lost in the city. Participants are placed in situations where they are made to be disoriented and then challenged to find their way out of this state.

Calvin's second Conflux project Lost in the Supermarket investigates the disorientation that arises from the overall assault on the senses coming from a shopping center. Participants will be blindfolded and taken to a supermarket or similar venue, where they will remove their blindfolds and be challenged to find each other.

Urban Disorientation Game & Lost In The Supermarket

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