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#NoBullshitCX #20yearsFuturelab

“Do not aggregate scores.”

I recently told a story about a large B2B company that hired a team of “translators”to help interpret feedback results into tangible actions. The same colleague taught me how important it is to look beyond the metrics.

When setting up or calibrating Voice of the Customer programmes, we always advise against aggregating various metrics into one, or creating a combo score based on several touch points. At my colleague’s company, this recommendation was not followed. As a result, feedback was lumped together into a singular score per customer. The internal goal was set at 8 or above outof 10.

This goal, however, was not driving the right behaviour. Scores higher than 8 were coloured green, and green was good. As the KPI was fulfilled, the teams responsible for action did not feel the need to check what created the combined score and which comments were hiding beneath. When the hood was opened (upon our recommendation), the team unearthed several dramatic stories of customer trust abuse and failure to comply with company standards. Some customers threatened legal action.

Are your metrics driving the right behaviours?

NOTE: Follow the hashtag #NoBullshitCX and Kolle’s column will land in your feed every Friday!
