Some people have called neuromarketing junk science, but it turns out there’s a more egregious (and common) offender. Here’s your latest reading list:
My Stuff
People constantly ask me questions like, “I’m changing my website, would this headline work better than the current one?” I may offer an opinion, but I always include, “You should test that!” In Here’s Why Smart Marketers Use A/B Testing, a surprising test result for a major airline shows why that advice is important.
We just got through another Super Bowl, and most advertisers tried to create likable, amusing ads. But what about ads that are annoying, even painful, to viewers? Check my Forbes post, Is The Most Annoying Super Bowl Ad Ever Also The Most Effective? to view the surprising truth about one ad people loved to hate.
The last few months have included more blockbuster episodes in The Brainfluence Podcast. Did you miss Crowd Control host and best-selling author Dan Pink? How about “Dr. Love,” oxytocin expert Paul Zak? Or a great in-person chat with digital marketing experts Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg? Catch up on those and more in Brainfluence Podcast – Episodes 31 to 40.
Our 2015 podcasts are starting off with a bang. Best-selling author Peter Shankman (@petershankman) explains that you don’t have to be Zappos to crush your competition with customer service. He explains how in Zombie Loyalty with Peter Shankman.
You’ll find another take on customer loyalty in Grow Evergreen Customers with Noah Fleming (@noahfleming). Noah offers us an idea on inspiring customers to be loyal fans, the “wow” experience and the 3C’s of successful businesses.
Cruising has become a popular way to vacation, and the cruise industry has grown faster than other segments. There are lessons for every kind of business in their success. Most of the lessons are good, though in 4 Marketing Lessons from the Cruise Industry I include one “what NOT to do” example as well.
Holidays, a speech in Moscow, and other factors put my picks on sabbatical for a few weeks in December and early January. If you were distracted too, you can catch up on my stuff (yes, I was still writing and recording) and some choice items from others in Mega-Recap for Roger’s Picks.
Around the Web
Just a couple of choice selections this time…
Thought leadership is a popular concept these days, and is almost turning into an overused buzzword. Nevertheless, it’s an important strategy for both individuals and businesses of all sizes. Fellow Forbes contributor Liz Ryan explains the steps to thought leadership in How To Become A Thought Leader.
This article isn’t new, but it proved very popular when I shared it last week. I’ve talked about how we can shape customer experience by setting expectations, and used wine as an example. The Guardian shows just how true this is in Wine-tasting: It’s Junk Science. Even experts are heavily influenced by what they expect. So, read this piece to save some money on your next wine purchase, and think about how you can apply the insight in your own business!