How to Win Arguments, Be Attractive, & More – Roger’s Picks

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Got platform? If you are trying to build your reach, a media approach tops traditional marketing, according to Brian Clark (@brianclark) of Copyblogger. Brian explains why and how in this 68-slide deck: SlideShare: 8 Ways a Digital Media Platform is More Powerful than “Marketing”.

Writing meets psychology in 52 Terrific Tips for Writing Better by Dr. Susan K. Perry (@bunnyape). The ideas are all one liners, but each one includes a link to its source. This is less of a “tips” post and and more of a resource list.

Have you noticed that the more you try to win someone over to your viewpoint, the more entrenched they become? The way most of us interact with the intention to persuade is largely ineffective. Mind Hack (@mindhacksblog) gives us an approach that actually works in The best way to win an argument. And, it’s probably NOT what you are thinking…

If you have any interest in the travel industry, or just find large batches of consumer data interesting, check out Which Marketing Offers Motivate Travelers? by Ayaz Nanji (@ayaznanji). Part infographic, part analysis, this lengthy post at MarketingProfs shows how travelers make their purchase decisions.

Want to look better? You could get a makeover or buy a new outfit… Before you consult with a plastic surgeon, though, consider a far simpler and cheaper approach: surround yourself with people! Dr. Jeremy Dean (@PsyBlog) tells us how and why in The Cheerleader Effect: Why People Appear Better-Looking in Groups.

Why Do We Buy Luxury Brands—and How Do They Make Us Feel? Let Dr. Brent McFerran explains the two kinds of pride, and describes research showing that luxury purchases aren’t driven by snobbery. It turns out that Rolex’s “A crown for every achievement” slogan is spot-on from a psychology standpoint.

Writing at Hubspot, Ross Crooks (@rtcrooks) answers the question, Ever wonder Why Most People’s Charts & Graphs Look Like Crap?. Data visualization is an art and a science, and Ross exposes common errors and shows how to correct them. Of course, you can expect some good visuals in this piece!

My Stuff

As a dog owner, I can attest to the existence of the pre-meal “happy dance” performed by many pets. Pet food makers have figured out that if they add a preparation step they can extend the duration of this experience and at the same time make the owner feel more engaged in the process. In my latest article on Forbes (@Forbes), Marketing Lessons From Dog Food, you’ll hear about this strategy and how it might be repurposed for your own product or brand.

In my Neuromarketing subscription welcome emails, I always invite new readers to share their biggest marketing problem. I’ve decided to share a few of these (minus any identifying details) when I think they might be of broader interest. The first one of these addresses a tricky problem – how do you succinctly describe a new product in a new category? Read Launching a Novel Product – Reader Challenge for the details. (If you aren’t a subscriber, by the way, enter your email on the right side of this page!)

In this week’s Brainfluence Podcast, I speak with John Jantsch (@ductape) of Duct Tape Marketing fame. We cover a lot of ground in Episode #8: Marketing Makes Better Salespeople with John Jantsch including the fact that other cultures have significantly less reverence for duct tape than those of us in the U.S. (For my international readers, silver duct tape is regarded here as a universal fix-it material capable of quickly repairing almost anything!)

Weird and/or Wonderful

It seems like a no-brainer, so to speak, that Should cyclists should wear helmets. Clearly, if you pitch headfirst over your handlebars you will be less likely to suffer a head injury. But things aren’t always as simple as they seem. The Bike Helmet Paradox by Neurobonkers (@neurobonkers) looks at the data about helmet use in some novel ways..

Remember, you are free to add your own great find in a comment!

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