Another week, another batch of content for your reading pleasure. Whether you want to turn your book into a bestseller or develop an app that’s as addictive as an illegal drug, we’ve got something for you!
If you have ever managed an online community, this won’t be a surprise. But now there’s proof – a huge study of Facebook data shows that emotions expressed online are contagious and can “infect” others. Sometimes, it seems, just one person can start an epidemic. Wall Street Journal writer Robert Lee Hotz describes the research in Emotions Vented Online Are Contagious, Study Finds. Be careful what you tweet…
Is there a neurological recipe for success? That was the title of SapientNitro’s Pete Trainor at SXSW. He summarizes his key points at Marketing Magazine in SXSW14: Neuromarketing is the next step in engagement. Trainor includes a shout-out for author Nir Eyal and Hooked – scroll down for a link to my review.
Warning: this post is long enough to be turned into an ebook. But, you need to read it if you ever plan to write a book, or need to promote one you’ve already written. AppSumo founder (and fellow Austinite) Noah Kagan shares tips on How to Hit #1 on Amazon’s Bestseller List. Using the launch of Charlie Hoehn‘s book Play It Away as an example, Noah does a deep dive into what really matters in book promotion.
Does your ecommerce site suffer from abandoned shopping carts? Mediocre conversion rates. At Brian Clark’s Copyblogger site, Joanna Wiebe delves into the psychology of the checkout process and how to achieve a good turnout. She shares 7 Proven Secrets of High-Converting Checkouts to help you achieve higher sales from your existing traffic.
Content is still king. Actually, if you believe all of the content marketing hype, content is probably emperor of the universe. Writer Chloe Mason Gray shares 75 Resources for Writing Incredible Copy that Converts at the Kissmetrics blog. This is a huge list of both web resources and books to help you write better copy, from inspiration to improving conversion.
I admit, I’m guilty… I often park action items in my inbox, hoping that I’ll get to them in a timely manner. At the Harvard Business Review, Stop Using Your Inbox as a To-Do List tells you why that’s a terrible idea. Alexandra Samuel tells you how you’ll be more productive if you keep those tasks out of your inbox. (I’m going to try!)
Do you postpone decisions, and then feel guilty about it? Most of us do, at least occasionally. But, there’s good news for you decision-makers lacking a quick trigger-finger. My fellow Forbes contributor David DiSalvo talks about How A Tiny Bit Of Procrastination Can Help You Make Better Decisions. Really!
Productivity, decision-making… here’s a post that ties these topics together! Yet another Austinite, Brian Bailey, explains how our brain has finite resources available for decision making. He provides five ways to fight back in How to be Happier and More Productive by Avoiding ‘Decision Fatigue’.
Looking for a good read for the weekend? Check this list of 40 High-Impact Books for Entrepreneurs by Shopify’s Dan Wang. You’ve probably read more than a few of these titles, but you’ll definitely find some new ones.
Need to motivate people, in the office or in your personal life? The brainy Christine Comaford talks about The 3 Things All Humans Crave–and How to Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere. Christine offers three influencing phrases you can use to appeal to the needs she identifies.
My stuff
I don’t declare many books to be “must reads,” but if you are responsible for a product you’d like to be used habitually, check out my review: Nir Eyal’s Hooked: A Guide to Building Habit-Forming Products. Nir focuses primarily on digital products, and shows why Instagram and Pinterest developed gigantic user counts while apparently similar products failed to get traction. Timing and technology may have been factors, but the psychology baked into their user experience made those products big winners.
If you are a regular reader of Neuromarketing, you likely know that subliminal stimuli can enter our brains and change our behavior. Now, a new study led by Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy shows that brand preferences can be affected by brand impressions too short to process consciously. Read my Forbes piece, In Hidden Persuasion: Unconscious Branding Actually Works, for details.
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