Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about the ways Net Promoter is relevant to those in social media. But while the intuitive link is clear to me, a lot of the thinking I’ve read to date doesn’t really resonate on a level that is both practical and strategic. So I decided to take a stab at a more comprehensive framework myself, admittedly helped by a number of practical challenges a CEE client faced who wanted to develop a more customer-centric approach across it’s various distribution and communication channels.
The outcome – at least to me – was surprisingly simple as it is crosses a (tweaked) version of the Net Promoter System with Forrester’s Social Technographics. This results in a table which looks like the one below (click image to open)
By creating the appropriate tactics (or if you want “strategies”) for each cell in this table, the managers at the CEE client I mentioned were fairly quick in coming up with a differentiated way of dealing with their digital audiences and in prioritizing between them. What I like about the approach, is that instead of only focusing on the “vocal” social media participants, brands are able to use Net Promoter thinking to better connect to all of their digital audience, regardless of the channel of engagement.
I realize this is just a quick note with a simple idea, but it’s a direction I’m going to be exploring a little more as I’m putting together my 2012 sequel to I Am the Media. So if you have love/hate or other suggestions to make this thinking better, don’t hesitate to use the comment box below.
The addition of Super Promoters and Brand Terrorists diverges from traditional NPS thinking, but from an operational perspective the distinction turned out to be quite helpful in coming up with practical responses/tactics.
- Net Promoter Score, Net Promoter and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems and Fred Reichheld.
- Technographics is a trademark of Forrester