The Best of Neuromarketing – 2011

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Once again, it’s time for the “Readers’ Choice” Neuromarketing picks for the year. These posts aren’t my own choices, but are selected because they garnered the most traffic from tweets, Facebook shares, Stumbleupon clicks, and so on. Without further ado, here are the top articles of 2011, as chosen by our Neuromarketing readers:

1. Simple Slogans Double Sales

We think of brands as amazingly powerful. But, to resurrect an old Coke motto, what if a brand’s slogan was the REAL thing?” Read Simple Slogans Double Sales.

2. Don’t Sell, Seduce!

Are you focusing on your product’s features and benefits, or are you seducing your customer’s brain? Emotional ads are processed quite differently by the brain than those that appeal to logic… Read Don’t Sell, Seduce!.

3. Most Desired Brands: a Neuromarketing Ranking

Which brands are the most desirable to consumers, as measured by neuromarketing firm Buyology? Read Most Desired Brands: a Neuromarketing Ranking.

4. What Don Corleone Could Learn from Guy Kawasaki

What did Guy Kawasaki learn about favors from influence expert Robert Cialdini? Read What Don Corleone Could Learn from Guy Kawasaki.

5. Replies Can Change Customer Minds

Find out why you really need to respond to customer criticism! Read Replies Can Change Customer Minds.

6. The Power of Positive Names

What you call your product changes how customers perceive it, and even its unchanging characteristics. Read The Power of Positive Names.

7. Very Effective Surprise Ad

Some ads use humor, some surprise you with a twist… Take a look at this ad and see if you can guess what the product is before the end. Read Very Effective Surprise Ad.

8. Better Packaging via Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing analysis leads to better packaging. Read Better Packaging via Neuromarketing.

9. Apple Fanboy = Religious Fanatic?

Photo via powerbooktrance

Do we really need neuroscience to tell us that Apple fans have found religion? Read Apple Fanboy = Religious Fanatic?

10. Paper Beats Digital For Emotion

Researchers used fMRI brain scans to show that our brains process paper-based and digital marketing in different ways. Read Paper Beats Digital For Emotion.

11. Apologies Really DO Work

Have you ever annoyed a potential customer, or made her angry? Before you decide to ignore the faux pas and press forward with the pitch, or write her off and move on to greener pastures, try this simple technique… Read Apologies Really DO Work.

12. The Last Name Effect: Why Zimmerman Is Impatient

WARNING: If your last name starts with a letter from R to Z, you may be more susceptible to urgent-sounding sales pitches. Read The Last Name Effect: Why Zimmerman is Impatient.

There you have ‘em, the most popular Neuromarketing posts of 2011! Do you have a particular favorite on this list, or do you have one that didn’t make the list that you think deserved to? Leave a comment. (If you are new to the blog, be sure to check out last year’s roundup: Top Neuromarketing Posts of 2010.) And to all Neuromarketing readers, my best wishes for happy holidays and an amazing 2012!

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