Guest Post by: Jo Stratmann
Online community moderation company Community 102 recently published an interesting infographic which looked at how different age groups interact online across the social web.
Key takeaways include:
- When it comes to age distribution across the social web, the most active age range is 35-44 year olds (25%) in comparison to just 9% of 18-24 year olds.
- The highest majority of Facebook users are aged between 18-25 (29%) while on Twitter the highest majority of users are 26-34 year olds (30%).
- The average LinkedIn user is 44 years old.
- The average Twitter user is 39 years old.
- The average Facebook user is 38 years old.
- 26% of Millenials (people born between 1978 and 1994, so aged 16-32, and the first generation to be “raised” on the internet) access social networks at least once a day. Millenials also spend an average of 23 minutes online every day.