Stop what you’re doing and take a look at this new project from Vanessa Miemis and company. It’s a deep dive projecting the impact on Facebook from a societal, economical, technology, environmental, and political perspective. The project features commentary from a diverse set of minds including:
- Stowe Boyd – futurist, social technologies blogger
- Jamais Cascio – ethical futurist, Senior Fellow of the IEET
- Amber Case – co-founder Geoloqi
- Suzanne Fischer – Curator of Technology, The Henry Ford Foundation
- Garry Golden – energy and emerging markets futurist
- Alex Howard – Government 2.0 Correspondent for O’Reilly Media
- Kevin Kelly – author, What Technology Wants; founding editor, Wired Magazine
- Brett King – author, BANK 2.0
- Rita J King – Innovator-in-Residence IBM Analytics Virtual Center
- David Kirkpatrick – author, The Facebook Effect
- Valdis Krebs – founder, Orgnet; network analysis expert
- Richard MacManus – founder, Read/Write Web
- Om Malik – founder, Giga Omni Media
- Eghosa Omoigui – Venture Capital & Private Equite
- Howard Rheingold – author, Smart Mobs
- Douglas Rushkoff – author, Program or Be Programmed
- Doc Searls – author, Cluetrain Manifesto
- David Siegel – author, Pull
- John Smart – President, Accelerating Studies Foundation
- Scott Smith – founder, Changeist
- Nova Spivack – founder, Lucid Ventures
- Sibley Verbeck – founder, The Electric Sheep Company
….and myself. But this heads up isn’t self promotion. This is a topic worth exploring and these are some of the most interesting minds curated together in one place. I really think this initiative will yield some interesting insights as to how Facebook is influencing our daily lives and what it may look like in five years. I have some definitive opinions on the subject. Facebook’s growth is exponential and it’s future is dependent on how that growth can be sustained. The project itself is an interesting experiment. It’s being crowd-funded on Kickstarter which allows anyone to micro-finance projects such as this.
I’d keep an eye on this one if I were you. Vanessa and team are some of the smartest folks emerging on the scene and this project has legs. Have questions or opinions on the future of Facebook? Ironically you can express those on Quora.
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