The inmyprime blog is well worth reading. The content is good and it is well written. I don’t always agree with the comments but it always makes me think.
The blog posting about the recent IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) 2010 Census of those working in media, advertising and marketing communications agencies tells us the following about the age of their employees:
5.3% were aged over 50
45.5% were aged 30
Average age is 33.7
I had a look back at my blog and found some earlier census data
In 2007, the percentage of media agency staff who are under 30 was 61.6% and the average age of all staff was 31.0 years. This compares with the 2006 figures where the numbers were 60.6% and 31.2 years old respectively.
I guess we could write a headline to say that agencies are getting older! The writer of the blog goes on to say:
Granted, for all kinds of areas of activity, you don’t have to fall into a particular category to have some kind of empathy with the particular condition – but it does make you wonder. In such a self-reinforcing and self-congratulatory environment which areas and approaches do you think are going to be seen as the most attractive and most “sexy”, and also where can we get a few cheap laughs without stretching our brains too much?
The best generals, of course, recognise their own limitations and bring in relevant expertise when necessary. Let’s hope these young lions are doing this when it comes to really understanding a massive, growing and very important part of the economy.
As somebody who tries to breach the gap between the youthful agency and the realities of the older consumer the answer is: “more agencies realize they need advice but still too many base their perceptions on the basis of their parents and older relatives.”
This year I have worked with the young staff at a couple of agencies and they are as bright, perceptive and open to new ideas as the best of a generation ago.
Certainly youthful agencies will, unless specified differently, tend to be youth-centric. That’s a fact of life. It is up to their clients (who are often older) to dictate what they want. Too often they don’t.
Image by: finishing-school
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