Humans Generated More Data in 2009 than in Previous 5000 Years

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This comes an interview with Cisco’s Chief Futurist, Dave Evans, as reported by ReadWriteWeb here:…

What’s most interesting about this isn’t the increase itself, but the filtering challenges it presents. The quote in full:

“Evans said humans generated more data in 2009 than in the previous 5,000 years combined, although a lot of it is useless – comparable to saving all 2,000 photos from your weekend trip to the beach. Therefore, filtering and sorting the exponential proliferation of data will become more and more important for computers, Evans said. And it will be even more important and possible for computers to interpret rich media such as photos and video. Google Goggles, an app that can recognize text, art and landmarks from images, is an early example”

Special thanks to Serge aka York777 for granting permission to use his copyrighted photo in this mashup. You can see his original here:

Image 1: skreuzer

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