Guest Post by: Maria Pergolino
As marketers, we thrive off data visualization using graphics, charts and images to educate ourselves and tell our stories. Whether your B2B marketing efforts can use more information on social media, content marketing or demographics, your marketing mix can’t afford to go without these 5 useful infographics:
1. CMO’s Guide to The Social Landscape
Good, better, best is a mantra we can all live and learn from in B2B marketing. This social landscape infographic offers a compare and contrast grid of the top social media sites and how they rank among customer communication, brand exposure, traffic to your site and SEO. Surprisingly enough, has the best approval rating out of all social media sites with Yahoo! Buzz coming in last.
Facebook celebrated its 6th birthday this year and with over 400 million users, you’d think it was their 60th. It’s important marketers pay close attention to how far Facebook has gone these last six years and where it is even still heading. As users continue liking and linking, and with projects such as a newly developed location feature , continued growth is inevitable for Facebook in both amount of users and capabilities. Any savvy marketer will keep a close, watchful eye out.
We’re all familiar with the Rogers Adoption Curve, and along those lines of adopting and creating, Forrester Research has mapped out exactly what people are doing online and just who is doing it. Creators of content, joiners of social networking sites and spectators who read, watch and listen to content skew very young, while critics who comment on content appear a bit older with the highest age group ranging from 20 to 26. At no surprise, boomers and seniors make-up the majority of inactives, but it appears collectors, who use RSS and tag sites to gather info, vary throughout all age groups.
This infographic illustrates the connection among 3 celebrities, 35 corporations, 40 subsidiaries and more than 300 brands. It’s an important visual representation of globalization and a reminder to B2B marketers of its impact.
B2B marketing blogs are an integral part of the B2B marketing mix. It allows you to create and distribute relevant and valuable content without directly selling to the prospect. All the while, you’re engaging your audience with the objective of building trust, and eventually acquiring leads. This life cycle of a blog post infographic provides a visual outlay of where the blog post goes (servers, data miners, spam blogs), what the ping servers contact (search engines) and what the reader sees (blog, social media, bookmarks). With all this being said, you can clearly reach a lot of people with one single post, as long as you’re doing it correctly.
If you’re interested in viewing more useful infographics, check the HubSpot blog or Cool Infographics for more marketing and pop culture visualizations.
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