by: Alexander Osterwalder
Have you ever "sold" a business project to your management or a venture to a financier? Did you ever happen to use PowerPoint or a similar presentation tool? Probably yes. Well, how much time did you invest in your slide deck? Were your slides beautiful?
Those are questions I now always ask my audiences in my keynotes and workshops on the topic of business model innovation. And most often people do not take PowerPoint seriously. However, they should. PowerPoint is a powerful weapon if used correctly! If used wrongly (as is the case for 90% of presentations) it is rather suicidal.
I attribute a substantial part of my success in my keynote speeches and workshops to my PowerPoint presentations. In fact, the design of my slide decks eat up a big part of my preparation time.
Here my learning as to "Good PPT-Design", which I recently presented at a business incubator in Switzerland.