Its amazing that the Moleskine has managed to brand and associate themselves with the great talents of our time. Don’t get me wrong as I think this is a good thing, but I wonder if this branding aspect has been taken too far. Maybe its just me, but I find that the Moleskine brand promise to be very bi-polar. On one hand the brand makes me feel superior because by using my moleskin I can be associated with such pedigree of talents. On the other hand, it makes me feel inferior as I feel that I should only use my moleskin if I am able or about to reproduce that next design classic, otherwise I should just stay away!
Michael Graves
Furthermore, for a sketch book to come in at such a high price point, it becomes almost too painful for me to make a mark on its pristine pages. This I find defeats the purpose of using a sketchbook in the first place as it is suppose to be a repository of quick, down and dirty ideas. The brand makes me keep on thinking that, is want I am about to write or draw something that, in years to come, people would want to see? This is probably why my moleskin still sits on my book shelf, and STILL in its wrapper. Sniff. I love this product so much but I just cant bare to use it.
I supposed at the end of the day if you end up having to be precious about your work, sketch or design, you can’t really do any good work as your mind is already restricted by these invisible barriers. Anyways do check out some of the exhibition work of people who don’t have a problem with “tearing” into their Moleskines as considering who they are, they could probably afford doing it!
Scott Henderson
Karim Rashid
Steven Guarnaccia
Source: Official Detour Moleskine Experience exhibition in New York website and here.
Via: My friends at Mocoloco
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