Wow a burst of link love and pointers from all my friends today seem to revolve around this theme. So I thought to compile it all right here in one place!
1) Managing Successful Client and Designer Relationships: Adaptive Path Blog.
2) Managing a Product’s Experience seems to be the key these days: Core77 Blog.
Transcendent product design is a matter of philosophy and approach. The reason product development has gone wrong is that people stop at the worst time—when the solutions are most convoluted. What Eastman knew, what Jobs knows, is that you have to go beyond; you have to think about the experience people are having.
3) Managing a Creative Environment, perhaps in your studio?
4) Managing Creativity De Bono Style.
5) Managing the Future of Design!
Martin Konrad’s recent master thesis in industrial design explored the areas of design democracy, personalization, and mass customization. A great read.