by: Mark Rogers
Not the least of the good things at the NewComm Forum event was the chance to meet Jeremiah Owyang of Hitachi Data Systems, author of the 69 business blogging tips a feature he diffidently subtitles “learn from my pain”. Jeremiah’s tips are pretty much the best thing that has been written about corporate blogging so far from the inside.
1. Understand and be able to articulate the concept that The Participants are taking charge (Scott McNeally, Sun)
Understand and be able to articulate that Consumers trust other consumer opinions over all others.
Understand that a conversation about your market will occur regardless if you participate or not.
Understand that blogs are nothing special or nothing new. In fact, blog tools are often less sophisticated than most free email services. A blog is just a tool. The key point is that now everyone (esp consumers) can easily publish their opinion, and others can easily find it (other consumers).
Business blogging is publishing and participating in the conversation in your market.
Listen to the blogosphere: Start listning yourself, or consider hiring a company to monitor and report on the blogosphere. There are a variety of tools that can do this, but this really is part time to full time job.
You can see the results of his learning at Hu Yoshida’s data storage blog, which combines elegance and authority.
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