by: Alain Thys
On March 5, 2006 this blog was launched. We didn’t have a strategy behind it, and if asked didn’t "really" know why we were doing it. All we knew is that we wanted to create a place where the sharpest and the smartest would bring together their thoughts in an environment uncluttered by advertising. For those who’ve seen Field of Dreams I could paraphrase … "if we build it, they will come".
Today, two years later, we still don’t have much of a strategy, but have to say that Kevin was right … you have come. Not in masses as with our estimated 50,000 regular readers, we’re not a crowdpuller, yet in uniqueness. When we see the names and IP’s that come by every day, we can say that not only our contributors belong to the edge of marketing, innovation, strategy and design, but so do you.
And with this we don’t just mean the (very very) senior executives and agency gurus, but also the professors, professionals and students who have included us in their reading pile and occasionally drop us a line of encouragement.
So, in addition to thanking each of our contributors for making this blog what it is today, on this second birthday I also wanted to thank all of you for coming by and reading it.
And before I start sounding like a presidential wannabe, I will close by saying that I look forward to all of us upping the stakes even further in this third year with more contributors, even sharper articles and a few new twists and turns (watch this space 🙂
PS. I know that now at least a dozen people out there will be getting thoughts: NO we do not do advertising, NO we will not sell our address lists and NO we are not for sale.