by: Jon Miller
The relationship between Sales and Marketing at B2B companies is too often precarious and subject to change day by day.
The problem is that Marketing and Sales play by different sets of rules. Sales are quota and bottom-line driven, where success can be easily measured through the number of closed deals. In Marketing, nebulous terms like ‘impressions’ and ‘website traffic’ are too often used to benchmark results. All too often, Marketing thinks it is exceeding its lead generation goals while at the same Sales is wondering why they aren’t getting enough good leads.
However, even though it appears that Sales is from Mars and Marketing is from Venus, the two functions do have something in common that highlights the deep relationship that exists between them: the need and desire to drive revenue for their organization. So, sales and marketing executives need to find ways to get along and work together towards the common goal of driving revenue.
Buzz Marketing for Technology Podcast
Marketo’s CEO Phil Fernandez and I recently spoke with Paul Dunay of the very popular Buzz Marketing for Technology blog about the differences between Sales and Marketing, and how to bridge the gap.
Download the full MP3: Sales is from Mars, Marketing is From Venus — a CEO’s Perspective.
Note: This podcast is also posted to MarketingProfs DailyFix.
This is the first in an ongoing series of podcasts with Paul about sales and marketing alignment, so stay tuned for more!
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