by: Alain Thys
Exactly a year ago this blog went “live” and we just wanted to thank everyone who’s been part of making it something much more successful than we ever thought it would be. Today, we’ve got about 25,000 regular readers, over 1,400 posts, and more importantly, our base of daily feedburner subscribers keeps growing by the week (currently at 2,500).
Quantity aside, which is relative anyway, our logs indicate that we’ve definitely earned the respect of Madison Avenue, with the busiest agencies scoring well over 600 pageviews. Our contributors have also been noticed by the Boston Globe, Nihon Keiza Shinbum, Stratégies and are regularly requested for speaking engagements in their area of expertise.
So thank you very much to Alexander Osterwalder, Chris Lawer, Danah Boyd, David Armano, David Jennings, David Polinchock, David Wigder, Dick Stroud, Guy Kawasaki, Hemant Karandikar, Ilya Vedrashko, Jennifer Rice, Joel Makower, John Caddell, John Sviokla, Jon Miller, Joseph Mann, Josh Hawkins, Karl Long, Lynette Webb, Michael Hoexter, Minke Hamstra, Roger Dooley, Ruben Causyn, Stefan Kolle, Stefan Weiss, Yann Gourvennec and everyone who’s helped support this blog.
For the coming year, our intention is to start reaching out to some of the people who are currently not even reading blogs, yet could probably benefit most from doing so (i.e. if you’re reading this, it’s probably your boss). We’ll add more contributors as we go, and this way keep the bar as high as possible when it comes to bringing you the best thinking of the sharpest minds in marketing & innovation.
This blog started as a “what the heck” project, yet has gradually taken on a life of its own. I don’t know about you, yet I’m curious to see how it will evolve.