by: Karl Long
Antony Mayfield, head of content and social media at Spannerworks (which appears to be a SEO company) writes an interesting article for where he lays out a high level summary of what social media might mean to businesses and brands.
Titled a “bluffers guide to social media“, which is a sort of teaser for a rather interesting ebook called “what is social media“.
In the article Antony lays out 5 characteristics that social media tends to share;
– Openness: most social media services are open to feedback and participation. They encourage voting, feedback, comments and sharing of information. There are rarely any barriers to accessing and making use of content – password protected content is frowned on.
– Conversation: whereas traditional media is about “broadcast”, content transmitted or distributed to an audience, social media is better seen as conversational, two-way.
– Community: social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively around common interests – be that a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite TV show.
– Connectedness: Most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, via links and combining different kinds of media in one place.
Ironically the does not fall into the category of social media, with no comments, trackback, or participation beyond an arbitrary link to the
I think needs to take some of Antony’s advice.
Luckily I did a quick search and found Antony’s blog which does have comments and trackbacks.
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