With so much innovation-text flying around, what is the need for more text? For example see this blog on sources of innovation…
As it is
I/P Updates: CEOs Looking to Extermal Sources for Innovation – News and Information for Intellectual Property Practitioners
According to IBM’s “Global CEO Study 2006,” 76% of the 750 of CEOs and business leaders interviewed for the study ranked business partner and customer collaboration as top sources for new ideas. This greatly contrasts with internal R&D, which ranked eighth as a source for new ideas — cited by only 14% of CEOs. However, only 51% say their organizations currently collaborate extensively.
I feel it is important to focus on other end of the innovation chain -where innovating ideas are fleshed out and resources get allocated. It is important to analyze innovations in the context the following frames
-macro socio-regulatory-economic scene
-enterprise realities
-value generation by market offering
Most companies do not establish such frames with result that adhoc decisions rule.
Original Post: http://exponient.com/blog/?p=35