Shopping For Innovation

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by: David Armano

Interesting article that covers some relatively new thinking that the business world is embracing. 

Interesting article that covers some relatively new thinking that the business world is embracing.  Companies are actively seeking out agencies and firms of all sizes skilled in creativity, design and innovation.  So what does this all mean?  If you are on the agency or consultancy side, and have a body or work that's both innovative and strategically creative—then it's good news for you.  However, it also means that clients are wising up to what innovation really is—and what to look for in a partner.  So if you don't practice what you preach—you just might lose a potential client.

"Design can be brought in as a service, but it's important to remember that it's a creative service. Designers are smart and talented people who typically do "think out of the box" (a phrase more derided inside the design community than outside, yet still requested in more initial meetings than you can imagine). So although your desired outcome may be very specific, the designer's process to delivering your outcome will inevitably involve challenging its very foundations. Here's an illustration:

Q: How many designers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Does it have to be a light bulb?

In real terms, this can be the difference between asking a designer to create a new vase, versus asking for a new way to display flowers in the home. The first problem statement already converges on a solution–perhaps prematurely. The second opens up new design opportunities, new target markets, and ultimately potential new revenue streams."

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