Nicholas Carr is Having a Go at Web2.0

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by: Yann Gourvennec

You already knew about Nicholas Carr's famous article ‘IT doesn’t matter‘, which we have already commented on Carr made his point very clear about what he thought about how strategic IT was to business. (Read my summary of Carr's article online)

A short time ago, Nicholas Carr posted another article on his blog on the subject of so-called Web 2.0, i.e. the advent of collaborative work on the Net. His criticism is, one again, very sharp. To him, the Web is amoral because it values amateurism better than professionalism. Being able to react in real-time is no excuse for poor content. He is mainly having a go a the new star of the Internet, the amazing collaborative encylopedia called Wikipedia. We have also dealt with that subject on our website in the article entitled of networks and men.

Nicholas Carr