The Clones Are Comming

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by: Sebastian Campion

In relation to the Copycat story, brings a brief sumary of cloning to this date.

1952: Robert Briggs and Thomas J King clone northern leopard frogs using a method of nuclear transfer and kick off nearly two decades of heavy scientific interest in cloning research.

1963: Embryologist Tong Dizhou clones a fish. He publishes the findings of his clone of the harp in an obscure Chinese science journal.

1978: The birth of Louise Brown, the first child conceived through the use of in vitro fertilisation.

1983: First human mother-to-mother embryo transfer.

1993: Human embryos cloned.

1995: Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell, of the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, successfully clone two sheep, Megan and Morag, from differentiated embryo cells.

1996: 5 July – Dolly the sheep is the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. Scientists at the Roslin Institute initially keep her birth a secret.

February 1997: Scientists confirm the birth of Dolly.

July 1997: Wilmut and Campbell create Polly, a lamb cloned from skin cells grown in a lab and genetically altered to contain a human gene.

December 1997: Harvard graduate Richard Seed announces that he plans to clone a human being before any federal laws can be enacted to ban the process.

1999: The journal Nature suggests Dolly may be susceptible to premature ageing. It is also suggests that she may have been genetically six-years-old at birth, the age of her parent.

2003: Dolly dies on 14 February, at the age of six.

2004: Wilmut applies for a licence to clone human embryos, after scientists at Newcastle University are granted a similar licence

Illustration: Klone #92 by Dieter Huber.

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