kolle's kolumne linkedin #106 en

#NoBullshitCX #20yearsFuturelab

“Be like Disneyland. ”

Usually when I start talking about Advocacy Moments, someone in the audience will make a cynical statement: “Oh wow, let’s all forget our daily jobs, and start delighting customers, be all sunshine and blabla”. Honestly, I love those guys, as they give me a perfect hook to reply: “So, you are telling us that we should not be like Disneyland, right?”

Gentle readers, this is a trick question. The answer is “We DO want to be like Disneyland”. Disneyland is so good at creating a perfect customer experience, nobody notices that they are a data-driven, analytics-rich, and highly successful by being extremely customer-centric. They mapped their journeys to the last T to make sure no sad real-world event breaks the magic. They collect and analyse feedback through face-to-face guest interviews, social media, employees feedback and “listening posts”. The happiest place on earth is also heavily digitised. They use personalisation tools, IOT sensors, data from wristbands and cameras, and a bunch of other digital appliances to create and manage experiences. For example, they can use extremely targeted communications to guide visitors away from congested areas and reroute them to alternative attractions. As a result, Disneyland is a well-oiled machine that makes its customers open their wallets and give them all their money, often without even noticing.

Do you have other examples of companies like that?