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#NoBullshitCX #20yearsFuturelab

“Involve your frontline in customer innovation.”

I mentioned the concept of Advocacy Moments last week: an event, interaction, or item that makes people want to share their positive experience, because they have a nice story to tell. But how to create those moments? Who can tell what really moves people to the point that they share their experiences?

Working for a global telecom company, we have developed a Book of Advocacy: a collection of moments along the journey designed to create those conversations. As innovation consultants, we love brainstorming on such ideas ourselves. But in this case,the frontline was our best source of material. Contact centre agents knew exactly what made customers unhappy and what delighted them. We asked them for Advocacy Moment ideas, and they flooded us with great stories. All we needed to do was aggregate thoseideas and make them executable. The project was a huge success: telcos aren’t usually mentioned in a positive manner, so both marketing and CX benefited from the fresh source of material. But it also gave agents a source of pride and a feeling of being valued, triggering an internal advocacy as well.

Are you involving your frontline in customer innovation?