by: Scott Goodson
Someone sent me a direct Tweet today asking "what are the essentials of a lasting client and agency relationship in these new economic times?"
I don’t think they’ve changed much from the advice Mary Wells wrote about in her famous book about account management.
My list includes:
– Honesty. Whatever happens, client and agency, need to tell each other the truth.
– Trust and mutual forgiving of mistakes, which are unavoidable on both sides.
– Absence of fear. Nobody can produce great work, under a Damocles sword.
– Acknowledgment of jobs well done.
– Mutual agreement that carrots produce largely better and more work.
– Openness from wherever ideas come from. They often come from the client.
– Close involvement at the top of client and agency. The big picture must constantly be clear to everybody.
– Nobody is permitted to waver in the belief of the essential values of the brand.
– Try to always bring fresh perspective to the table.
– A sense of humor, which allows both sides to have as much fun as possible, in the interest of outstanding commitment and work.
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