by: Idris
There are hundred of books and thousands of articles written on
innovation with stories about the creation of breakthrough ideas and
new business concepts. Often there is a lot of emphasis on different
creativity and brainstorming approaches. But often missing is how ideas
are being converted into growth businesses. That’s the most difficult part. It’s about mobilizing people,
exploring technical feasibility, develop strategies to promote
adoption, developing strategic alliances and managing risks. Along the
way innovators face difficult decisions that are often contradictary
and paradoxical. Here I share with you The 10 Lessons of Innovation which
is a speech I gave to a group of executives a few months back. I hope
it is self-explanatory and if not, I apologize as I have misplaced the
notes from my speech, otherwise I would’ve included it here. If you
have questions on any slide, just post it here.
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