By: David Armano
Take a look at what Guy Kawasaki does here. Now take a look at what Kathy Sierra does here. And most recently—what I’ve done here. I have a question: is the end of knowledge hoarding coming to an end?
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First, let me loosely define what knowledge hoarding is. Knowledge hoarding is when someone knows something but is either unwilling to share what they know—or at least disclose the source of their knowledge. In other words, knowledge hoarding is the absence of the word how.
How did you do that? How do you know that? How can I apply what you know to what I do?
Knowledge hoarders are really good at soaking up knowledge. They can also be very good at expressing what they know in an engaging fashion—but what makes them hoarders is that they don’t always disclose the how. Speaking of—how do I know all this? Because prior to blogging, I probably was a knowledge hoarder to some extent (even if I didn’t realize it). But blogging and Social Media in the broader sense has a way of inviting and rewarding the sharing of “how”—if you choose to do so. It also promotes a certain sense of accountability as we link to and quote each other and our sources.
The next time you have to hand over your e-mail address in return for a whitepaper… The next time you pay good money to attend a conference or workshop… The next time you give of your time and attention… The next time someone demonstrates what they know—ask yourself this question: How?
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