Are Marketeers from Mars and IT People from Venus?

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78% of marketeers do not know how to get the best of their databases.  It’s not me who’s saying it yet yet a survey done by EHS Brann Discovery in the UK.  In addition one in five consider having too much data in their databases and not enough results.

For me it’s another proof of the gap that has grown between Marketing and Information Technology folks, based on the fact that neither really talks the other one’s language. 

As a marketeer, working on both sides of this digital fence I think the main problem in this lies with the marketing folks (sorry), for not really delving into the challenges and opportunities ICT can offer and taking the effort of talking the language of the engineers and systems design people. 

This result then is a translation of the old cartoon on what marketing asked for, design created, production built and the customer actually got … Haven’t we learned anything?

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