Looking for some suggestions on how to improve your customer service and the overall customer experience?
We know that delivering a great customer experience is critical to the success of a business. Without customers, what’s the point?
Customer service is one component of that customer experience, albeit a major customer touchpoint.
In honor of Customer Service Week last week, OneReach asked 63 industry influencers to weigh in on the #1 way that companies can improve customer service. I was excited to be asked for my thoughts, and my response probably won’t surprise anyone: fix the employee experience first. What I loved seeing is that this was the top theme among the group. The chart below shows how the recommendations broke down.
Source: OneReach The Influencers: Customer Service Report 2015
By the way, I love that the second most-frequently mentioned suggestion is to walk in the customer’s shoes. That would be #2 on my list of things to do, as well.
To get the specific recommendations made by each influencer, download the report.
By treating employees well, you end up with a first-class workforce that will, in turn, demonstrate a good work ethic and great customer service. -Gary Kelly, Southwest Airlines CEO
Image courtesy of eurobasefulfillment1
Original Post: http://www.cx-journey.com/2015/10/63-ways-to-improve-customer-experience.html