Your weekend reading list!
My Stuff
It’s not often that you get to ask a legend a question… So, when I spoke with Dr. Robert Cialdini (@RobertCialdini), I popped my burning question…
It’s been 30 years since he first published his Six Principles of Persuasion, and a lot has happened in social science research. So, I asked, are six principles still enough? Read Cialdini’s answer in Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion: Do We Need #7?.
This week’s podcast focuses on the intersection of magic, neuroscience and selling. Magicians have a lot to teach marketers, presenters, and salespeople – they are masters of controlling their audience’s attention. Find our how to apply their insights to your business problems in Ep #31: Selling Secrets of Magicians.
Too busy Trick-or-Treating last week to catch up on your marketing reading? It’s not too late… we linked to some great content from oxytocin expert Paul Zak, some conversion psychology tips, and even a way to get more out of your contact form. It’s all in Cialdini’s Latest Persuasion Secrets, More – Roger’s Picks.
Around the Web
Here’s a link you might find surprising, given the focus of this website, not to mention my book Brainfluence. Christian Jarrett (@Psych_Writer) suggests that the plethora of brain-themed books and articles confusing to the general public, who finds the concepts scary and unhelpful. How? Check the article, What Neuro-revolution? The Public Find Brain Science Irrelevant and Anxiety-provoking.
The drumbeat for salespeople and marketers today is to be an authority… To build a personal brand… To be a thought leader. John Jantsch (@ducttape), who actually has done those things, shares his advice in How True Authority Is Actually Gained.
The Apocalypse may be nearing. A few years ago, digital media were still fighting for mindshare at agencies and advertisers. That’s far from the case now, according to Tim Peterson (@petersontee). He reveals the latest projections in his Ad Age article, Digital to Overtake TV Ad Spending in Two Years, Says Forrester.
Do you gaze into the eyes of store mannequins when you shop? (Do those mannequins even have eyes?) Apparently, those lifelike clothes supports have an unconscious effect on shoppers. Anne Kates Smith (@AnneKatesSmith) focuses her eyes on shopper marketing in Mannequin Eye Contact and Other Ways Retailers Get You to Spend More.
Smart marketers know that emotion drives both brand recall and sales, but often still focus on product features, price, and other non-emotional topics. Jeannette de Beauvoir gives us some ways to tap into customer emotions in Five Tips for Effective ‘Emotional Branding’.
Want to make your content compelling? Your pitch persuasive? It’s simple, Jill Krasny (@jillkrasny) says. Just include a chart. Or even something that sounds scientific. Read People Will Believe Anything–as Long as There’s a Chart to learn more.
This seems like eye week. Moving on from mannequins, it turns out that eyes are important in video, too. Brian Massey (@bmassey), master of the lab coat, explains why in How Faces Influence Video Marketing.
Most of the digital marketers I know are interested in scientific persuasion, which also translates into an interest in data-driven strategies. Lindsay Marder (@lindsaymarder) tells you how to get the most out of your analytics in her article, Is Your Website Leaking Cash? Check these 10 Google Analytics Reports.
All humans are subject to cognitive biases. That causes us to make poor decisions, and it also impedes legitimate and truthful efforts to persuade. In The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational, George Dvorsky (@dvorsky) gives us a quick refresher in these “brain bugs.”
Got your own great link for the week? Add it in a comment!
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