Want to know if you’re building your brand the way great brands do? Take this 10-question brand assessment.
This brand assessment is intended as a compliment to the metrics that distinguish great brands. As I outline in my book, What Great Brands Do, Great brands tend to have above-average profit margins within their respective categories. Research by strategy consulting firm Vivaldi Partners shows that consumers are willing to pay more for a product from a great brand than for one from competitors. Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator also shows a higher energized differentiation, meaning vision, invention, and dynamism, for great brands based on consumer surveys. And great brands are usually found at or near the top of brand valuation reports from Interbrand, Millward Brown’s Brand Z, and Brand Finance, as well as lists including the Stengel 50 (world’s fastest-growing brands) and Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For.
Data points like these may indicate the greatness of a brand but they don’t reveal how they got that way. That’s why this assessment investigates the way your brand is viewed, used, developed, and managed inside your organization. It will indicate if and how you are using your brand to shape your corporate culture, optimize your company operations, and design your customer experiences. If you are operationalizing your brand – not simply expressing or promoting it – you are doing what great brands do. You are practicing the “brand-as-business” management approach, making your brand the central organizing and operating idea of your business.
In addition to getting a brand-as-business score at the end of the assessment, considering the individual questions in the assessment will help you diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of your brand-building approach. I encourage you to invite others from your organization to take the assessment as well and compare notes with each other. And if you’d like me to provide custom consultation on your results, check out this special package that combines a phone/Skype consultation and bulk book purchase or contact me to explore other engagement options.
Your results will automatically be sent to me anonymously, so I look forward to reviewing and reporting on the collection of results that come in over the next few days. Please take the assessment and let me know feedback and questions.
P.S. If you’ve previously taken a brand assessment from me, you’ll notice that I’ve updated it. As I’ve continued to take my clients through customized assessments and their implications, I’ve learned which dimensions are the most revealing and prescriptive and have incorporated them into this new version.
Original Post: http://deniseleeyohn.com/bites/great-brands-find-brand-assessment/