You Probably Don't Work in Advertising (Part 2)

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Permanence or permanent presence – having a strategy that enables the brand to connect and generate something meaningful 365 days a year, (as referenced in part 1) is not an extension of advertising, as Fisk here tries to make, it has got nothing to do with advertising – neither is slightly related.

Peter Fisk on the future of advertising. Loving the lingo, but is he describing the future of advertising or something new, bigger and different – something outside advertising?

Advertising is a set of clearly defined skills inside a very defined box. And all this new stuff is not an addition / expansion of this box, it’s a range of industries trying to figure out a new extension to the universe of communication merged with business.

Trying to put all this new stuff into the advertising box will only limit how we are thinking about all the other stuff. Advertising needs to identify its role, and be damned good at it.

But don’t’ try to put all these other ideas into one specific way of thinking about communication. Because saying that new stuff is related to the old stuff will colour the stuff on the outside of the box to look like what’s inside the box – and it will all take us nowhere.

Image via flickr

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