Guest Post by: Ruari Grigg
As shown in the infographic below produced by agency Get Satisfaction, there are some astonishing figures about where executives believe social business will take us over the next few years:
- Over half of the 900 US based executives believe that if their company does not adopt social business then they will fall behind compared to their competition.
- Over 450 of the executives of leading US companies believe that social business is key to keeping up with competition. An even greater proportion of those executives interviewed believe that by adopting social business they will see a rise in their profit margins.
- Of the 900 executives interviewed, 71% of them have downloaded at least one web based app for their work on either a mobile or a computer.
- If the majority of executives believe that their companies will fall behind if they do not use social business then this gives those 16% a massive head start in terms of profit margins.
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