I’ve seen a few lists of the top ‘digital campaigns’ of the decade. Most of them feature similar work (Uniqlock and Lucky Switch, BMW Films, Nike+, Whopper sacrifice and subservient chicken, Chalkbot etc). But there’s one which has been strangely absent from every list that I’ve looked at, so it’s only right that I recognise it here.
There’s a lot to like about Converse Domaination. It’s great disruptive thinking from Anomaly. A continuous communication rather than a confined campaign. Going where their audience is but not the competition. Starting conversations. Creating culturally relevant pieces of content in a way that allows them to be topical, and nimble. A real piece of agile advertising. A media buy that’s not really a media buy. Beating a traditional cost per visitor by 2600%. Very cool. It would definitely be in my top ten. I’m curious to know whether it would be in yours too…?
Converse Domaination from Ross Martin on Vimeo.
Image by: elrentaplats
Original Post: http://neilperkin.typepad.com/only_dead_fish/2010/12/converse-domaination.html