Some Players Call WoW the New Golf (v2)

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by: Lynette Webb

I used this quote in one of the earliest Flickr slides, paired with a screenshot but I was never happy with it. A while back I resurrected it with this much nicer photo and just realised I hadn’t posted it to the set – so here it is.

The quote is perhaps an exaggeration, but I still like it. It originally comes from this Business Week article.

The Guardian later followed up in October with this:
“WoW, according to digital thinkers, is the modern way to get to know someone. Like sharing a round of golf, getting lost together on an Outward Bound excursion or sharing too many bottles of wine at a dinner party, social interactions in this and other digital worlds help to set the glue which cements relationships.”,,1925074,00.html…

How I wish I had time to immerse myself properly in games. I adored playing Kings Quest, set in a similar ‘dungeons & dragon’-esque fantasty world, back in the mid/late 80’s(!). I can only imagine how much I’d love WoW and the other RPGs if I allowed myself to get into them. The last time I TRULY got hooked by a game was back in 1994 while in grad school – I basically took a week off with a friend to play 7th guest ( It was brilliant – I still remember some of the scenes, although don’t think my professors were quite as impressed. 😉

Photo via Flickr CC thanks to Jackie Fritsche

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