What's In Your DNA?

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by: David Armano

Food for thought.  Think about who you work for (assuming you aren’t self employed).  What’s in the DNA of the company?  Did your company start out as a traditional ad agency?  Maybe it’s origin was in graphic design?  Or it could have started out as a consulting business?  How about direct marketing?  Promotions?  Software?  Hardware?  Environmental displays?

What’s in the DNA of the place you work for?  Is it digital?  Did it start analog?

You hear the story over and over again—companies evolve over time.  Business models change.  New services are offered.  Mergers.  Acquisitions.  But what if DNA really makes a difference?  Is it possible to evolve and stay true to your roots?  And is this a good thing?

What’s in your personal DNA?

How are you wired?  Left brained, right brained, all brained?  Where do you excel?  Where do you need help?  How does your personal DNA affect what you do for a living?

Does your personal DNA align with that of your employer?


Original Post: http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/2007/06/whats_in_your_d.html