by: Lynette Webb
There’s not much more to say about this beyond what’s on the slide. It’s from a recent blog post I stumbled across and liked the matter of fact tone . The whole mobile internet thing has been on such a rollercoaster ride – overhype, then backlash, then hype again… it’s all too easy for some to dismiss it.
But I agree with James, one of the few things you can say with certainty the future of the internet is that within the next decade it will go truly mobile in ways we probably haven’t even imagined yet. Here’s a longer version of the quote:
“Each generation generally has a desire to overturn – or even revolt – against their established precedents… Today’s web is undoubtedly due for such a shake up…. What is dawning on me is this: that the coming revolution isn’t something that will be driven through the adoption or innovation of today’s establishment. Those lonely PC screens are Generation X’s comfort zone. We find ourselves struggling with small screens and small keys to even glimpse the potential of the next decade’s on-line experience. So I’m looking to Generation Y. They’re the mobile generation. They’re the ones looking for a new angle. They’re looking for a paradigm that they can adopt, pioneer, and make their own. And they’re going to be the guardians of the web in the coming decades – the web that will finally call itself truly mobile… Most importantly, they will do wonderful things with the mobile web. Darwinian things that the now-conservative institution of today’s web would probably never grasp, risk, or predict.”
Image is from Flickr CC thanks to lschoen
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