The Butterfly Effect

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By: David Armano

How do you know when you really, really like a blog?  How can you tell what's special vs. what's just OK?  How do you decide what should stay on your feedlist, in your bookmarks or inbox?

Little butterflies.

I've noticed lately that each time I see there is a new post from a blog I have an affinity for —especially if the blog hasn't been updated in a bit, I FEEL something.  Maybe it's not quite butterflies—but it's SOMETHING, I actually experience a micro-sensation.  There's something about seeing an unread post—anticipating what it's about just before you click on it and taking a moment to savor that feeling before clicking on it.  It's like unwrapping a tiny little gift—the feeling you get before you have the gift in your hands is sometimes just as powerful as after you've unwrapped it.

That makes a blog really special.  That's how you know.  Question is, what do you have to do to get others feeling like this about your blog?

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