Towards Carbon Neutral Communities

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by: Sebastian Campion

'Designs of the Time 07' (Dott 07) is a program of grass-root community projects taking place this year in North East England.

The aim of dott 07 is to support innovative projects that explore how sustainable principles and service design (in contrast to product design) can make a positive difference to our daily lives.

One of the interesting projects to emerge from dott 07 is Low Carb Lane, which examines how households in a whole street can minimize their carbon footprint and environmental impact.

The ambitious goal of the design-team is to come up with a service model that can help people reduce their demand from the power grid by 60% in ways that are sustainable and affordable.

The final result of this, and other Dott 07 projects, will be shown and discussed at a festival in October 2007.

Low Carb Lane resembles a case in Denmark where inhabitants of Guldager, a small village, united to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in order to become carbon neutral. Similarly, Ashton Hayes is about to become the first carbon-neutral village in the UK.

Low Carb Lane

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