by: David Polinchock
Chris Weilfrom Momentum Worldwide was doing the keynote presentation entitled We are the Clutter, a challenge to the entire industry. His challenge to us was to stay on course with what we're doing and create short term opportunities or change ourselves for long term growth. According to a Yankelovich study, people believe that 60% of the messaging they receive have to relevance to them.
Again, many common themes:
If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative. David Ogilvy
Chris believes "If it isn't creative, it won't sell"
The promotions industry needs to own the idea and become the leaders of the creative space. You don't have to own the tactic, you own the idea.
Some insites from Cannes:
Chris showed a reel of the large of Lynx in Australia, one of the gold winners from Cannes, that was essentially a significant promotions campaign to show that none of its gold winners was in promotions. And that none of the companies that won promotional awards at Cannes were promotion companies.
The idea is the medium.
Agencies need to become the place where the big ideas start and we need better measurement tools, The industry needs to embrace the new technologies to help create better relationships with the consumer.
Clients need to stop thinking as the agencies as one night stands. And the trade press needs to stop focusing on the tactics.
A good challenge thrown down and one that we at BEL try to meet every day.
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