by: David Polinchock
Fast Company, in their current review of customer experiences, didn't rank the Apple stores because they didn't think they delivered a good experience. After all, they say, if people are lining up at the Genius Bar, then people must be having a hard time understanding and using their products!
We, as you can imagine, don't agree. Here's what we think the Apple store is all about: They took the barriers to entry to buying an Apple product and answered those barriers with the store. Again, this is only our take, nothing official from Apple here! And how does that work?
John Moore has a great posting on his blog about the Six Design Lessons from the Apple Store manifesto. He's given a quick overview and its well worth the read! So, despite what Fast Company might say, we think they’ve created a great model for retail experiences!
Link: Brand Autopsy: Designing Retail Experiences – The Apple Way.
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