More Than One Channel to Innovation

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by: Yann Gourvennec

As often when it comes to innovation, or many other things for that respect, many people believe that there must be a miracle cure somewhere and if you take a few spoonfuls of that potion you are bound to generate valuable innovations and recurring revenue.

Although you may have a hunch through your own experience that this is not the case, you may not have had enough evidence in the past to prove such people wrong.

Well now you do because there are at least 2 reports I know that show – based on fact and research – that innovation is varied, that all methods for innovation are complementary and that prejudice or unilateral thinking is not going to help you.

  • The first report (Entitled Innovation Unbound) has just been published by Accenture and is available for download in pdf format. You can also download it from here. The main benefit of Accenture’s report is to show that different methods produce different results; they also provide a useful matrix showing the benefits of each of these methods,
  • The other report is that of French consultancy CAA (French language only): CAA have interviewed quite a few multinational companies renowned for fostering innovation and they have been able to summarise their behaviour and map them across 4 different patterns: Marketing-centric, techno-centric, cross-organisational and anarchic. They have also been able to compare all of these methods and analyse their pros and cons. They tend to favour greatly the models based on cross-organisational patterns which tends to generate – according to them – a lot more successful innovations.

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