Amazing Online Jukebox Pandora Could Make Long Tail Even Longer

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by: Yann Gourvennec

Pandora project enables you to create your own radio stations based on music you liked and delivering new titles you hadn’t thought of or even didn’t know that they existed.

It’s a great way to discover new artists. Could it be considered a new media? Could it replace your good old radio one day? On should we even envisage that future radio sets – being connected to the Internet – could deliver that kind of programme through your radio set or hifi tuner?

Besides, should we consider that this is the neginning of the end of real-time radio listening as we knew it. Whta is certain is that if we were to replace our regular radio stations with online widgets like these, we could actually wave goodbye to radio commercials as we know them. Or should we invent new forms of commercials instead?

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