by: Alain Thys
Bestbuy in the US has taken a quite novel approach to multi-channel marketing. In this they follow the adage that if you want your customers – and staff – to display a certain behaviour, you need to incentivize them.
Driven by the desire to increase online sales (which are more profitable), bestbuy has launched a programme in which store staff need to hand out coupons with internet-only discounts. What is however remarkable, in my opinion, is that according to Dow Jones Newswires, they have also taken the step of crediting the online sales back to the stores where they originated. This way not only coming up with a great marketing programme, yet also a way for motivating everyone on the shopfloor to turn it into a reality. How it will eventually pan out, only the future can tell, yet from a multi-channel perspective I can only say "hat's off".
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