The Next 80% – Examples

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In a new presentation (soon to be published) I argue that we are only seeing 20% of our online potential (we are at the light bulb stage of broadband), and try through different arguments and examples to show what this means to business and where we could look to find the remaining 80%.

This post is a collection of videos from this talk.

We are at the lightbulb stage of broadband.

(View the whole video Networked Society, on the brink by ericssonmultimedia here.)

Lego life of George

“It’s about the world talking to the world through these sets of networks” – Kevin Slavin.

(Find the uncut version on

The Copenhagen wheel


Nokia X Burton, Push Snowboarding @ US Open

2011 Hyundai Equus Commercial – iPad ownersmanual

Pioneer 2011 AV Receivers – iControlAV2

Image by: GriinBlog

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